A new report concludes the U.S. military is in decline and places the blame for the fall squarely on the Pentagon’s Woke politics. Public confidence in the military, recruitment, and retention are all down. The report says ‘creeping politicization’ has a ‘corrosive impact’ on the military’s war-fighting capabilities.
Look at some of the crazy people running the Pentagon and you can see why. In their rush to push ‘gender-affirming care’, Pentagon doctors claim that 7-year-olds are perfectly capable of making life-altering decisions about sex change drugs and surgery. That’s just nuts. How can 7-year-olds make decisions like that when 17-year-olds can’t even consent to a car loan?
Our crazy Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin can’t get it through his thick head that allowing drag queen story hours for children on military bases shows support for that activity. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley promised to get rid of them, but we’ll see if he actually follows through.
Kelisa Wing – the Pentagon’s diversity, equity, and inclusion chief until recently – tweeted in 2020 she was exhausted from hearing “white folx” saying black people can be racist. Under her theory, black people can’t be racist because they aren’t the majority. This is in line with critical race theory which holds that only people who have power can be racist. So I ask you, who has more power – House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries who is black, or me – just some little grassroots white guy?
Follow the money here because Kelisa Wing is accused of promoting her own books on defunding the police, white privilege, and Black Lives Matter at military events, in a conflict of interest. The Pentagon is spending $86.5 million on diversity and inclusion activities. The Air Force is also paying diversity managers $82,000 to $180,000 a year. None dare call it reparations.
This lavish spending comes at the same time Joe Biden’s military budget proposes to cut the size of the Navy by another two ships, showing you the nation’s priorities have gone completely haywire. The Secretary of the Navy is giving top priority to fighting climate change – “we are accelerating and broadening those efforts,” he said recently. “This is an all-hands-on-deck moment.” Crazy as a loon.
Talk about crazy, the military is still trying to fire service members who refused the COVID vaccination even though the military vaccine mandate was lifted in the last defense bill.
Along with the Pentagon’s phony narratives come the speech codes to enforce them. Air Force Academy students are being told not to use the terms ‘mom and dad’ and, more seriously, they’re also being told not to call terrorists ‘terrorists’. How can you fight the enemy if you’re not allowed to even name the enemy? Pretty crazy. Service members are afraid to speak out against these narratives for fear of being labeled ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’.
Free speech is not the only casualty of the Woke Pentagon’s narratives. The Air Force has a pilot shortage. One observer attributes the shortage to the Air Force’s new emphasis on recruiting minorities to become pilots, making it difficult to retain mid-career pilots who are, in effect, being told they’re not wanted and are now a detriment to the mission. There’s that Woke-induced retention problem again. As for the Woke-induced recruitment problem, the military is now accepting recruits with ADHD and other behavioral challenges.
The Pentagon’s Woke narratives are producing weakness. It is folly to call diversity and climate change ‘strategic imperatives’ that are ‘mission critical’. I assure you America’s adversaries like China and Russia who openly say they want to displace us aren’t sitting around navel-gazing like this. As former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used to say, “Weakness is provocative.” To deliberately make yourself weak, now that’s really crazy.
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