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I previously reported to you government documents show the federal government has paid the University of Pittsburgh at least $2.7 million in the last five years to become a central warehouse for aborted baby parts used in scientific research.  Some of the documents at the University of Pittsburgh suggest late-term aborted babies are being delivered to the university alive, then being killed for their organs.

This week, pro-life leaders and state and federal lawmakers called for an investigation after new details about the research came to light.  It’s a lot of money and a lot of aborted babies, hundreds a year.  One experiment involved scalping aborted babies and grafting the scalps onto rats to study human immunity.  It was also discovered the university has racial quotas for aborted baby parts which ought to make anyone who remembers the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on black men nervous.  There are also questions about whether babies are being born alive, then killed for their organs and other parts for research.  The university has admitted kidneys are harvested while aborted babies’ hearts are still beating.  The university hired a law firm to review its research practices, but does not plan to make the results public.

This kind of research goes back at least as far as the Obama administration which purchased aborted baby heads at $500 apiece for experiments with so-called ‘humanized mice’, government records show.  The purchases were stopped in the Trump administration.

My mother was the best political scientist I’ve ever known.  She said two things I’ll never forget:  “Civilization is a thin veneer” and “a society that does not respect life is in trouble.”   America today does not respect life.  Over 60 million babies have been aborted since Roe.  The federal government thinks nothing of funding grotesque experiments using aborted baby parts, and dismissing objections by saying all rules and regulations have been followed.  The university sees nothing wrong with killing babies and extracting their organs for research.  Meanwhile, Pfizer has been trying to hide the connection between its COVID vaccine and aborted babies from the public.  Assisted suicide numbers are increasing [here and here] and advocates are constantly trying to expand its use, especially in vulnerable populations like the aged, the mentally infirm, and the disabled.  Articles appear in medical journals saying assisted suicide should be used for organ harvesting.

If we continue to go down this road, what’s at the end of it when there are no more lines left to cross?  What are the consequences of saying aborted babies aren’t real human beings so there’s no problem harvesting their organs for research?  Are you next?  Maybe, if you’re aged, not quite right in the head, or disabled.  If vulnerable populations can be steamrolled in the name of science, isn’t that just another way of saying ‘might makes right’?  How long will we be able to hang on to our individual rights if the culture no longer elevates the individual or deems people worthy of having individual rights?

There are all kinds of consequences if a society won’t respect life.  Civilization is indeed a thin veneer and barbarism is right around the corner if, by your standards, I’m not a real human being and if, by my standards, you aren’t either.  The people in America today telling us all of this is OK may be wearing white coats, but Josef Mengele wore a white coat, too.  Don’t come crying to me when they haul you away because they’ve decided your life is worthless and you must be sacrificed for the greater good.  Ah yes, it’s always for the greater good, isn’t it?

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