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Informed Choice Iowa was made aware on October 27th that the House plans to vote October 28th on legislation regarding employer mandates. However, the House failed to produce a filed draft of this bill 24 hours in advance before they intend to vote during special session.

Informed Choice Iowa’s President Kristi Northway stated:

“Upon obtaining a copy of the draft, we discovered the vaguely written bill offers an unconstitutionally written religious exemption, or a medical exemption requiring a statement that the vaccine would cause injury for employees- a risk that is difficult to prove and open to subjection. Many Iowans, such as contractors, subcontractors, and vendors are not included as defined employees either. The bill requires that businesses accept the exemption but more concerningly fails to address any penalty should they choose not to. 

Northway expressed that requiring the acceptance of exemptions sets the stage for additional adult vaccine mandates rather than addressing the root of the issue.

Informed Choice Iowa has asked for improvements to be made, but are completely opposed as the bill is currently written.

Informed Choice Iowa is asking all of their members to email their legislators and urge them to call for a special session focused solely on COVID mandates and pass legislation that will be truly effective in protecting all Iowans.


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