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Iowa, as well as the rest of the nation, is clearly divided. The division is not a result of two differing political parties but from two diametrically opposed ideologies with spiritual implications. A divorce is warranted but someone is going to lose, and will. There will be a cost and a loss regardless. We have come to a time when this state needs to make a choice.

Let’s preface our current conundrum with the prophet Elijah when he approached all the people of Israel, and asked, How long are you going to struggle between two choices? Then he followed his question with a statement: If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Ba’al, follow him.

Iowa is divided because of gender identity, DEI and CRT, same-sex marriage, communism, terrorist Hamas, a migrant illegal invasion and Baphomet – all represented in the Capitol – all representing Ba’al and have a foothold in this state. Those are the problems causing so much dissension and strife. It is an egregious error to think we have peace and unity by compromising with the devil.

But for those who claim God as the Lord, who love life and liberty, value our Constitution, and who see a problem with Ba’al, we have a compromise problem. We have a courage problem. We listen to the narcissistic and gaslighting voice of Ba’al and his talking mouthpieces and fear the enemy of life and liberty more than we fear God.

The people will soon be asked to make a choice, but first, let’s ask Gov. Kim Reynolds, Rep. Pat Grassley and Sen. Amy Sinclair, leaders of the executive and legislative branches of our current 90th General Assembly, where they stand.

Let’s further ask each representative and senator where they stand and if they will openly oppose Ba’al. Let’s ask if they will fix our Iowa Civil Rights Code and remove divisive policies granting special rights and privileges for a special class. Let’s ask if they will draft legislation to remove gender identity and let the process reveal where each stands.

Let’s do the same with satanic displays, Palestinian Hamas and Rainbow flags in public buildings, same-sex marriage, the ALA, social-emotional learning and DEI in our public libraries and schools. Let’s protect the next generation of innocent children from Ba’al and his influence in Iowa.

“Our Constitution was made only for religious and moral people,” said John Adams. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Our Constitution was not made to protect reprobate behavior, pornography, communism, satanism, terrorism or an illegal migrant invasion.

Our state government representatives are not bound to obey federal law in violation of our Iowa values and morals or our Iowa Constitution. We the God-fearing citizens are not bound to obey any antichrist laws either. Our government is elected to protect our God-given rights, our innocent posterity and property, and if You, the government representatives fail and are derelict in your oath to God to protect us, then we are obligated to do our duty and deal with it ourselves.

If you compromise and choose Ba’al as your god to avert civil war, then we should not be surprised there will be hell to pay. Why? Not because we the People did anything wrong but because the God of life and liberty departed from blessing this state continuously as implied in the preamble of our Iowa Constitution.

The God of our Constitution will not share His glory with Ba’al. We cannot fault Him for departing from Iowa and rescinding His blessings if we choose Ba’al as our state lord and god.

Our Iowa government leaders, Gov. Kim Reynolds, Rep. Pat Grassley and Sen. Amy Sinclair, should make known where they stand, hold a special session, and begin correcting this mess in our Iowa Civil Rights Code. Each representative and senator should publicly make known who they serve, the God of our Constitution or Ba’al – before the election.

Then, on 5 November, the People can make known who they serve. A no vote is a vote for Ba’al. Failure to proactively and openly stand for the God of our Constitution is a clear sign we want Ba’al in Iowa just like Israel chose criminal Barrabas and crucified Jesus. Voting against the God of our Constitution by supporting any actions considered an abomination demonstrates favor for Ba’al.

How the Deity that gave us life and liberty responds to our state will be according to how He sees our actions or inaction.

Iowa needs to publicly and openly hear from each of our elected leaders and our Iowa delegation in Washington D.C. where they stand. How long are you going to struggle between two choices? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Ba’al, follow him. Your silence will favor Ba’al.

Rick Phillips


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