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Objection raised to Iowa Utilities Commission from Robert Nazario:
We are here today because the system is broken!  It is shameful that the Iowa Utility Commission, IUC, has allowed a private company to “take” what is not theirs to “take”.  The Constitution of the United States of America and its amendments were quite clear!  Eminent Domain and the use thereof was never to be applied to a private corporation and its endeavor to make a huge profit and to subvert and trample the rights of hard-working Americans/Iowans.
The IUC and its commissioner are assisting those folks at Summit and their investors to undermine our founding parchments and ignore the fundamental values that make us a great republic.  Our Private Property Rights and our Liberties go hand in hand.  Without Private Property Rights, we have no Liberty!
Many state officials and some legislators are part of the problem.  These government gangsters have been working hand in hand with the IUC and others behind the scenes establishing a Governors Carbon Capture and Sequestration Taskforce.  Many have colluded to undermine our rights and push these fraud pipelines down our throats.  They thought from the beginning this would be a cakewalk but little did they know the resolve of the Iowa Landowners and those that fight for defending our Property RIGHTS!   They want to weaken our resolve and set new precedence for eminent domain/”takings” that would weaken these laws throughout the Republic!
We saw through their scheme and mobilized!  The Sierra Club, Iowa Chapter, Bold Alliance, Iowa Easement Team, FreeSoil Foundation and many others, formed a strong coalition to combat their advancement.  We showed up at informational meeting and spoke out against the scam that is carbon capture!  Many now know and together we spread the message to even more potential landowners!
The IUC and their cohorts that gave Summit and its affiliates the power to use eminent domain must be removed from any governmental body!  They have demonstrated their contempt for our Constitution and other precious founding parchments and should not be trusted in any official capacity!  It is never okay to trample our God-Given Constitutionally Protected Private Property Rights!
Those who are complicit must be removed from service after full investigations.
First, we win this battle…
We the People Will Prevail!  Landowners Must Retain their Full Rights and Determine the Future of their ground/property/legacy without the overreaching hand of state or federal government!
For those on the inside, We the People are calling on you to determine what side will history remember you!  Will you be remembered as a defender of the republic, honoring your oath or will you be remembered as a part of the destructive force that destroyed the “takings” clause and ignored the due process for many residents of this great state?
The Time is before you!  Blow the whistle and stand for liberty against the gangsters in government!
This Republic Will Not Stand if we Destroy the bedrock of Property Rights!
“Historical Foundations of Property Rights
The historical foundations of property rights significantly influenced the Framers of the Constitution. John Locke asserted that property was a natural right linked to an individual’s labor, a premise that shaped initial American legal philosophies.
English common law also informed colonial perspectives on property. William Blackstone’s “Commentaries on the Laws of England” was well-read by the Framers, who shared his view that property rights are essential to individual freedom.
James Madison, the principal author of the Constitution, believed that property encompassed not just physical assets but also one’s ideas and personal liberty. He wrote that government is instituted to protect property of every sort.”
We the People Are Calling on the IUC to Backtrack and Restore The Rule of Law and side with the Constitution and the People!
– Robert Nazario



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