If you remember I contacted you back in early December regarding an attempted over reach by the Iowa DNR. To recap, here is a snippet from that action alert:
In a press release (Read HERE), late yesterday afternoon the IA DNR made an attempt to walk back it’s earlier messaging. Read all about their first email on Dec. 1st and the controversy HERE. The press release cleared up confusion regarding the misunderstanding over potential changes and effective dates but fell woefully short in a specific area that Iowans need to grasp.
Your response was amazing and for that I’m grateful. Thank you for standing up for freedom and against bureaucratic overreach by unelected government officials.
I am writing to ask for your help again. I am asking you to register and attend a “public zoom” hearing on this topic and the DNR’s proposed rule changes. The meeting is scheduled for February 23 @6:30PM. You MUST register ahead of time to get in the queue to speak.
Register Link : Iowa DNR Wildlife Bureau Hunting & Trapping Season Public Discussion
While you are free to review the content above and derive your own message, IFC is providing the following information/recommendation for you to convey in your messaging. Keep in mind, the DNR may limit the amount of time you can talk so you will want to keep your message concise and direct.
- HF716 DOES NOT authorize or direct the IA DNR to “develop a list of cartridges approved”
- Iowa DNR should rules that are similar to the wording HF716 and give examples of what common chamberings are allowable and in use and allow the general public to continue to make informed hunting decisions based on their knowledge of the rules.
Thanks again for your voice and for your leadership and I look forward to joining you and hearing your voice in the DNR Public Hearing.