2 p.m. – House File 2189:
House File 2189 was proposed by Rep. Bobby Kaufmann. It’s an act relating to additional penalties for certain violations against bicyclists causing serious injury or death committed by a person operating a motor vehicle.
Current law prohibits a person operating a motor vehicle from steering the vehicle unreasonably close to or toward a person riding a bicycle on a highway, including the roadway or the shoulder adjacent to the roadway. It sets forth additional penalties for causing serious injury to or the death of another person while operating a motor vehicle in violation of certain Code sections in Code Chapter 321.
This bill adds to the list of violations subject to additional penalties under Code Section 321.482A. For a violation causing serious injury, the additional penalties include a fine of $500 or suspension of the violator’s driver’s license or operating privileges for not more than 90 days, or both. For a violation causing death, the additional penalties include a fine of $1,000 or suspension of the violator’s driver’s license or operating privileges for not more than 180 days, or both.