FLUSH THIS, NOT THAT: Amid toilet paper shortages, Des Moines Metro Wastewater Reclamation Authority urges consumers not to flush flushable wipes

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As more central Iowans are staying home due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and toilet paper is once again in high demand, the Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority (WRA) is reminding consumers to think about what they’re flushing down their toilets.

If you are unable to get your hands on the TP your house needs, think twice about flushing anything else down your toilet.

“Just because a wipe is labeled ‘flushable’ does not mean it’s safe to send down your toilet,” Wastewater Training Specialist Tim Runde said. “In fact, ‘flushable’ wipes won’t fully disintegrate after months in water which means that they can cause major blockages and backups.”

The WRA recommends that the only things that should be flushed in your toilet are the Three P’s – Pee, Poop and Toilet Paper.

“Anything beyond the Three P’s has the potential to cause problems that could interrupt your service and even your whole neighborhood’s,” WRA Director Scott Hutchens said. “We’ve seen it all flushed, and unfortunately we’ve seen a lot of different items cause backups as well.”

For more information, visit dmmwra.org/whatnottoflush.

Author: Press Release


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