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It is no secret that Iowa, like the nation, is in the midst of a crisis. Historically politicians have come together to work with each other in search of solutions during times such as this.

But there’s never been as much disdain for a sitting U.S. President than there is for President Donald Trump. And that disdain hasn’t been put on hiatus by Democrats during this crisis, which comes months before the 2020 election.

Kimberly Graham is a Democrat candidate running for U.S. Senate. Graham tweeted out on March that Trump “doesn’t care about the American people, and apparently neither (does Sen. Joni Ernst).”

State Rep. Brian Meyer (D-Des Moines) posted a story on Facebook about a man in Arizona who ingested fish cleaner thinking it would protect him from Coronavirus. Meyer blamed Trump.

“Please don’t listen to anything the moron Trump says.”

Sen. Claire Celsi (D-West Des Moines) just this morning responded to a tweet that was sent out by GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. McDaniel discussed Seattle NPR’s decision to not air White House briefings.

“No need for Trump’s incoherent ramblings in a time of crisis,” Celsi replied. “It just causes anxiety. Trump is a dangerous idiot.”

Former state senator and current Polk County Supervisor Matt McCoy weighed in as well. On March 23, he tweeted:

“‘It wasn’t the workers fault…’ You are right, Trump. It was your fault. #TrumpVirus #COVID-19”

At a time when Iowans should be coming together, and elected leaders should be setting an example for Iowans to follow, it is disappointing to see Iowa Democrats continuing to attack President Trump as he and other leaders try to address this global crisis.

But it is telling of where we are in terms of political civility and society in general. Well, at least some of us.


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