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The State Central Committee of the Republican Party of Iowa met today to officially set the date for the 2024 Republican Iowa Caucus. The Central Committee unanimously voted to hold the upcoming presidential caucus on January 15, 2024.

Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann issued the following statement in response:

“The Republican Party of Iowa is proud to announce that we will officially hold our 2024 First-in-the-Nation Caucus on January 15, 2024.

“After our state legislature and governor took needed action earlier this year to preempt Iowa Democrats’ plans to derail the Iowa Caucus by running a de facto primary election instead, we are also proud to affirm that Iowa will continue to honor our half-century-old promises to the other carveout states.

“We remain committed to maintaining Iowa’s cherished First-in-the-Nation Caucuses, and look forward to holding a historic caucus in the coming months and defeating Joe Biden come November 2024.”

Author: Press Release


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