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Iowa Senate Democrats launched a Twitter attack against Home Depot on Tuesday after campaign filings showed a $1,000 donation from Home Depot PAC to Senate President Jake Chapman’s re-election campaign.

“During Pride month, Home Depot tweeted their ‘support’ for LGBTQ+ folks,” the Iowa Senate Democrats wrote. “Meanwhile, they were financially supporting Iowa GOP Senate President Jake Chapman, who co-sponsored a constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality in Iowa. Shameful deceit from Chapman’s corporate donors.”

The Senate Democrats also highlighted Chapman’s vote against expanding hate crimes definition to include gender identity.

“If ‘respect for all people is core to who you are,’ Home Depot, why are you financially supporting one of the most hateful and extreme legislators in the country?” Iowa Senate Democrats said.

They then included contact information to Home Depot and asked their followers to voice opposition to Home Depot’s support of Chapman, who Iowa Senate Democrats say is “literally still trying to overturn marriage equality in Iowa.”

Home Depot’s number, for what it’s worth, is 770-384-4646 and the email that Iowa Senate Democrats shared is [email protected].

The Iowa Senate Democrats retweeted a tweet that reads #boycotthomedepot and shares the Iowa Senate Democrats’ original tweet.

Chapman has been a conservative champion in the Iowa Senate. He has led the fight against Big Tech Censorship, managed pro-life legislation, been vocal against sexually explicit and pornographic materials being stocked in Iowa school libraries and advocated in defense of Second Amendment rights.

Iowans can support Chapman’s re-election efforts by contributing to his campaign here.


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