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After years of harmful trade policies that hurt Iowa farmers, President Trump is leading the charge for economic growth in our country and putting America first by negotiating new trade deals, eliminating red tape, and regulations. 

Unfortunately, Joe Biden and Theresa Greenfield support increasing regulations that would cripple Iowa farms by increasing taxes that will lead to a downturn in the state’s agricultural economy. Greenfield supports her party’s push to tax the transfer of property that takes place after death. According to CNBC, Biden supports a similar idea, wanting to “levy a tax on unrealized appreciation of assets passed on at death.” This policy is detrimental to Iowa’s family farmers by stopping them from passing down their family farms to the next generation, and forces them to sell-off instead. 

Iowa farmers are reminded yet again that Joe Biden and Theresa Greenfield are not their friends. Their support for the Green New Deal would increase taxes by an additional $2 trillion and place an unbearable financial burden on farmers. Thankfully, President Trump is fighting for Iowa farmers by negotiating new trade deals and supporting American-made products. 

Bottom Line: While President Trump is fighting to ensure Americans can trade freely and fairly on the world stage, Joe Biden and Theresa Greenfield are hell-bent on destroying the livelihoods of family farmers and the agriculture industry. This November, Iowa farmers will vote for President Trump, who puts their families first.


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