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Captain Marvel has already grossed $1.1 billion and Avengers: End Game has passed the $2.6 billion mark – both mean trouble for the Democrat Presidential Candidates in 2020.  With abortion becoming the defining issue of the next Presidential election, Democrat candidates are repeatedly declaring they will “not go back” and are campaigning on women’s liberation.  The problem is the success of both these movies show’s culturally Americans no longer buy into the image of women as powerless and they do believe there is something dramatically wrong in our present world that can only be resolved by going back in time to undue past mistakes. Democrats are making the same mistakes they have always made both platform-wise and rhetorically that will most likely cost them the 2020 General Election before the Iowa Caucus and First In The Nation Primary even happens.


While Democrat Candidates in the media have touted they will not go back to pre-Roe on abortion, going backwards has become a populist talking point on other issues.  Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised this fact when pushing her “Loan Shark Prevention Act” by Tweeting;

“It’s common sense – in fact, we had these Usury laws until the 70s.”


In the Medicare For All Debate the same points have been raised by groups such as HealthOverProfit.org claiming as early as 2011, that America’s Healthcare system is in shambles due to Richard Nixon;

“Believe it or not, the downfall of the American health insurance system falls squarely on the shoulders of former President Richard M. Nixon.”


And almost all Democrat rhetoric regarding economics for the past decade has been on going back in time to correct perceived damage done by the Reagan and Bush Administrations. Going backwards has never been a more popular political attitude then it is at the present.


Having already placed themselves outside of the current cultural norm, Democrats continue to make the same mistake of failing to seize control of the abortion issue and continuing to abdicate any policy making to a 1973 Supreme Court Ruling, decided by Judges no longer alive, that was handed down in a world before the 4D UltraSound.  Hillary Clinton demonstrated this failure to lead in 2016 by not writing her own late term abortion ban with exceptions for the life and health of the mother, while trying to convince American voters she would sign such legislation should it come across her desk.  Even worse Hillary failed to champion the Pre-Natal Non Discrimination Act which would not have banned abortion, but would have made it illegal to selectively abort for social discriminatory reasons such as the sex of the baby.  This was an opportunity for her to both reach Pro-Life Democrats and set a tone against gendercide worldwide with America leading the issue.

In failing to claim these positions, write them into the Democrat Platform and aggressively push them during the Presidential debates, Clinton surrendered major political territory to Donald Trump during the election.  The recent extremism demonstrated by Andrew Cuomo, Elizabeth Warren and Kristen Gillibrand is doing the Democrat’s no favors either.  After the passage of the New York Reproductive Health At, 75% of New York residents expressed disapproval of abortion after the 20th Week (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/poll-finds-two-thirds-of-new-yorkers-oppose-late-term-abortion-19075). Elizabeth Warren’s advocacy of a Federal Abortion Right’s Law will further cement distrust even by “moderate pro-choice” American’s already skeptical of a 2020 Democrat challenger.


This has been followed by Democrat epic failures in rhetoric.  The two worse examples being the popularization of argument that if Republican’s really cared about babies they would support welfare programs and that no man should make laws regarding a woman’s body.

Both will backfire.

Democrat’s weaponizing welfare and rhetoric forget or ignore the fact that the Democrat Party moved away from welfare and helped dismantled the system.  Bill Clinton is notorious for “safe, legal and rare” while simultaneously signing into law massive changes to the Welfare system.  Those changes were incidentally criticized by the National Right to Life Committee and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.  The trend away from welfare started much earlier and was matched by the Democrat Party embracing abortion.  In 1984, The New York Times published article “democrat’s platform shows a shift from liberal positions of 1976 and 1980” deploring the move away from welfare and embrace of abortion rights. Later that same year they ran another article after Mondale’s loss “Who Did In The Democrats” insisting abortion is an issue where Democrat’s should be able to agree to disagree.

Failing to coral anti-male rhetoric will also prove problematic because it invites blowback that disqualifies women from holding Federal Office.  If men should not serve as lawmakers making laws that affect women’s bodies the reverse is also true and the existence of Selective Services would effectively disqualify women from the White House.  Even if the draft is not active, Selective Services is and every draft historically has been exclusively for men.  This point was hammered home by Jeannette Rankin who made history not only as the first woman elected to Congress but also the only Congressional member to vote against both WWI and WWII  declaring;

“As a woman I can’t go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else.”


The fact that women serve in the military is beside the point – women are not required to register for Selective Services and currently make up only 16% of the Armed Forces.  Barring a Constitutional Amendment abolishing the draft and requiring sex parity – it goes without saying that if sex becomes a qualifier for lawmaking, all women should be disqualified from the Presidency and Congress.  It further opens the door for barring women from serving on criminal juries where male defendants are involved (or almost all death penalty cases).  Worse it ignores that Roe V. Wade was a ruling created by an all male court.


Democrat’s advocating socialized medicine, the Green New Deal and other social programs citing the Nordic Model are setting themselves up for defeat when Republican’s point out that non-therapeutic abortion is banned in France, Denmark and Norway after the 12th Week.  Legal abortions are also subject to regulations including being performed by a M.D. in a hospital and parental consent if performed on a minor.  Democrat’s actively blockading the Born Alive Act will find themselves defenseless when their own parties advocacy is too extreme for even the social democracies they claim to want to emulate.

Even in the United States, Democrat’s are out of step with their own party.  Kristin Gillibrand has declared war on Congressman Dan Lipinski for his position on abortion.  Backing an already primary challenger he defeated last time for a second round is bound to backfire due to the fact he stopped a member of the American Nazi Party, who hijacked the Republican Primary, from being elected to Congress.  Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia is currently one of the few Democrat Senators left opposing abortion and defending his Senate seat.  And Louisiana is Pro-Life Democrat territory where Governor John Bel Edwards and Mayor Sharon Broome, both national players in the abortion debate, have already bucked the national party.  Democrats for Life of America is likewise not sitting on the sidelines during all this aggressively pushing the issue within the party.


Abortion is damaging the Democrat Party as a national political player.  Since 1968, only three Democrats have been elected President and Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama rode into office on waves of dissatisfaction with unpopular foreign wars only to be succeeded by Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.  Abdicating developing actual policy on abortion to a Supreme Court Ruling that may be overturned was major mistake for Democrats.  So has been supporting an unrestricted right to abortion while only acknowledging not all party members agree – a better position would have been to simply be neutral and allow individual caucuses to form.  If Democrat’s plan on being competitive it is time they start governing on this issue by developing the “reasonable” abortion restrictions they claim they have no problem with and aggressively pursuing making them law.  Otherwise in November 2020, they risk becoming a late-term electoral abortion by voters exercising their right to choose.

Author: David Krouse


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