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Local landowner and property rights advocate Kim Junker (Grundy Co.) speaks before the Iowa Utilities Commission, IUC, during the IUC/Summit Carbon Informational meeting in Iowa Falls with approximately 200 people in attendance on Aug. 29.

Please listen to her question!  Capture every word!

Kim Junker at IUC/Summit Carbon Solution Public Informational Meeting in Iowa Falls:

“So how many in this room think that letting Bruce Rastetter have a monopoly over the CO2, the ethanol, and your land is a good thing, show of hands?
One Person, (laughter erupts in the room, Dave Sweeney, husband of Sen. Annette Sweeney, with his raised hand thinks it is a great idea!)  Dave Sweeney thinks it’s a great Idea! Well, there you go folks.”  
(Dave Sweeney is heard in the background, Sweeney: ‘It’s a great idea)
“there you go, that tells you what the state Senator thinks of this!  Annette Sweeney folks!”


When is it OK to establish a monopoly?  Never

“When is it OK to have a monopoly over the richest, purest form of CO2 in the world produced during the biogenic process in making ethanol?  Never

When is it OK to have a monopoly on ethanol?  Never

When is it OK to allow a private company or private person other than YOU to have control of your land?  NEVER!


Well, Dave Sweeney believes it’s a great idea! He interjected that while Kim Junker was speaking and you can hear him in the background!  “It’s a great idea.”

Please reach out to Dave and Sen. Annette Sweeney and let them know how you feel!

Are they going to stand with our Federal Constitution, party platform and help defend and preserve our PROPERTY RIGHTS or side with the elites and support Bruce Rastetter and Summit Carbon and their unconstitutional land grab rubber-stamped by the IUC?


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– Robert Nazario


  1. I sent a short and polite email to Senator Sweeney regarding this issue. I was blocked….Our representatives represent us: the people. How shall she do her job well if I, as an IA citizen, may not tell her how I ought to be represented. Not impressed.


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