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The virus is deadly. From its recognition on January 22 through March 3, 2020, it has affected over 90,000 people worldwide and has killed over 3,000 of them, with an overall death rate of around 2.3%.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared it “a global-health emergency of international concern” already on January 30, according to “The Wall Street Journal” (“WSJ”) on January 31. It has spread to over 50 countries.

Also on January 30, the United States reported its first case of person-to-person transmission, in Chicago. “This person-to-person spread was between two very close contacts, a wife and husband,” said the Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health (“WSJ”).

Vice President Mike Pence is overseeing the Trump administration’s task force fighting the virus. “Pence called on people to ‘set the politics aside’ as the government works to address the problem,” according to the March 2 “WSJ.” The “problem” is coronavirus, also called COVID-19.

The virus is deadly. From its recognition on January 22, 1973, until March 3, 2020, it has affected an estimated 50-60 million people worldwide annually and has killed, by the lower estimate, over 2,350 million people, with an overall death rate approaching 100%.

I and other pro-life proponents have declared it “a global health emergency of international concern” for 47 years. Over 71 countries and territories have reported its insidious infestation.

Its spread always requires person-to-person transmission. Both medical professionals and their patients collaborate in this contagion.

I am one of millions fighting the virus. I call on people to “set the politics aside” as we work to address the problem. The “problem” is “abortion virus,” also called ”my body, my choice” and “reproductive rights.”

  • Bonnie Reinders
    Sioux Center


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