It was wonderful news this week to hear that the Baphomet display at the Capitol was destroyed. The only thing left to do with that detestable object is take it out to the parking lot and burn it. This thing is not even worthy of polluting the landfill east of Des Moines. But the deception of Lucifer runs much deeper than just Baphomet. There is still another display now set up to venerate Tammuz, son of the sun god Zeus.
Deception is a pervasive creature. During this time of year, we have two celebrations occurring. One is the Feast of Lights and Dedication or Hanukkah and the other is Yule, the Saturnalia, or more modernly known as Christmas. The Christ-child Mass is about child sacrifice and Hanukkah is about deliverance from evil by the Light of the world. It came about after Greek king Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrated the Jerusalem Temple by slaughtering Jewish women who circumcised their little baby males according to Torah, and hanging the infants on the necks of their hung mothers, slaughtering swine and homosexuals sodomizing on the altar. Death was administered to anyone practicing the Torah. This was on the 26th day of the ninth lunar month and the same day, that was on December 25 in 164 B.C. According to pagan tradition, December 25 had been a pagan child sacrifice day for centuries.
Yule is a winter solstice celebration having many trappings for family gatherings beginning around December 17-25. Modernly it is known as Christmas but has absolutely nothing to do with the birth of Jesus except Herod wanting to kill him during the slaughter of innocents. The roots of Yule date back to Mesopotamia with its chief god Ba’al the sun god (Zeus) and Ishtar (Semiramis) queen of heaven who had the little baby Tammuz on December 25. The winter solstice in the northern hemisphere where the tradition began is the longest night or day of the longest darkness paying homage to Tammuz lord of darkness – not to the Light of the world Jesus. Mistletoe, Santa Claus, Krampus, reindeer, Frosty the Snowman; all the colorful imitation lights and Christmas trees have nothing to do with Jewish Yeshua.
How can we protect innocent children with legislation at the Capitol when Christians participate with demons spiritually? When we join in a pagan religious feast, we become a partner with the spirits of evil, the demon hosts who daily defy Jesus. How can we oppose evil when we practice with unclean spirits and tacitly approve of them?
Yeshua told us he did not come to bring peace but a sword. So much for unity, peace and goodwill to all men. This is what the other Jesus religion wants us to believe – as long as it is based on extra biblical traditions and not what we were actually taught by Yeshua. The other Jesus expects compromise, to go along to get along to have peace. Appease Hamas. Appease Marxism. Appease LGBTQ. Don’t judge. But the real Yeshua told us to press into the kingdom of God. There will be a fight, and many will be offended. That fight begins with denying same-sex marriage; holding there are only two gender identities, and that there is no such thing as gay rights. Abstract thought and beliefs should not be protected civil rights; therefore, there are no such rights for gender identity, sexual orientation, creed or religion. Only immutable characteristics decided by our Creator should be protected rights – not the choices of sinful behavior.
We have 100 Representatives, 50 Senators, and a governor – 151 elected officials that serve righteousness at the Capitol. They have all sworn an oath to uphold the Iowa Constitution in which the preamble reads: WE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF IOWA, grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of those blessings, do ordain and establish a free and independent government, by the name of the State of Iowa…
The key here is our dependence on this one Supreme Being for continued blessings coming from Him. How, then, can we expect a continuation of blessings in this state by venerating pagan displays and what He has said is an abomination? How can we expect to be blessed by legalizing same-sex marriage and desecrating the marriage institution not ours to alter? How can we expect to be blessed by appeasing Lucifer’s Woke agenda of gender identity and transgenderism and all that nonsense? We owe our first loyalty to our Creator that we swore an oath, to give no ground to the unclean spirits of child sacrifice and immorality. Show commitment. Fix our Civil Rights Code and make laws that agree with the Supreme Being we expect to be blessed by. Fear God and keep His commandments.
Now, is there one, just one representative, senator or elected official that would courageously stand in the gap for the Supreme Being and speak out for the removal of all evil displays from the Iowa Capitol and fix Iowa law to reflect the will of the Supreme Being? Is there just one elected official who will stand and protect the innocent from the child sacrifice schemes of Lucifer? The fight to protect children begins with tearing down the works of the devil; eliminating same-sex marriage, gender identity, transgenderism, indoctrination in grades K-12, and pornography made available for children in public schools and libraries, and satanic displays on public grounds. All Yeshua needs is one brave elected person who will stand for His truth. Who will be our David that stands up to oppose Goliath that the King of heaven can work through?
- Rick Phillips