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On Wednesday, Iowa Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01) released the following statement after concerning reports of Chinese Communist Party funding of trips for Muscatine Community School District students:

“The Chinese Communist Party’s well-known efforts to infiltrate the U.S. are a massive national security concern. Whether it is buying up farmland in Iowa, spying on Americans or protecting Chinese ownership of TikTok, the long arm of the CCP apparatus will continue their attempts to infiltrate and interfere with U.S. national security interests.

Muscatine has a well-known historical and cultural connection with China and Xi Jinping prior to his becoming President of China. And U.S. engagement with China is necessary as the CCP continues its aggressive, globalist pursuits.

However, the CCP’s funding of Muscatine Community School District trips to China is also a national security concern and a reminder of the CCP’s widespread influence across the U.S. Without appropriate national security briefings, school systems may be unaware of CCP tactics and the threat they pose to students and U.S. national security. School trips funded by the CCP are a “bridge too far” in cultural exchange.

The entreaties of the CCP into educational systems is not new. We see it through influence campaigns in the funding of Confucius Institutes on college campuses, which Congress addressed legislatively.

This revelation is a sobering reminder that – no matter whether it is in Iowa or the Indo Pacific – the threat of the CCP is an issue for all Americans.”

Author: Press Release


  1. This statement represents the kind of imperceptive thinking to which we’ve grown accustomed from Miller-Meeks. Here she tries to make a macro issue of a micro issue. She consistently fails to demonstrate any grasp of the big issues facing our country.

    Now, in an election-year attempt to look like she is relevant, Miller-Meeks is making a confused attempt to convince us China is our #1 enemy.

    Fact is our greatest enemy is a domestic enemy. It’s the fraudulent Biden Administration which has declared war on us by initiating the terrorist invasion, and the uniparty liberals (like Meeks) who have no awareness of the security threat it represents, and do absolutely nothing to stop it.

    Meeks is asleep at the switch, going through the Congressional motions like nothing is wrong, just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic!

  2. Dave, that was GREAT!! Loved it.
    All our Iowa Republicans of Iowa also voted for the FBI to monitor ALL OF US taking away their attention from the actual terrorists. Who are our representatives representing anyway?
    Not to mention all the their wasteful spending. I feel so bad for all our children and grandchildren!!!!! It’s really too bad that we didn’t have the people to primary them ALL!!!!!


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