Meg Oberreuter had a message to share with legislators on Thursday at a subcommittee involving legislation that would require the Iowa Department of Public Health to include information on any vaccine advertisements to also highlight the fact that vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for injuries or deaths resulting from vaccination. There are other pieces of information to that bill, but that is seemingly the largest part of it.
“I’ve been a nurse since 1974,” Oberreuter said. “I stopped giving vaccines in 2003 because I saw the damage that was being done. I’m the mom of a 40-year-old son with Autism, which when you look back at the history, it’s a vaccine injury.”
Oberreuter said children born in the 60s received five vaccinations. Those born in the 80s received 15. And kids nowadays are receiving 72 doses.
“Then we wonder what’s happening to their brains,” she said. “The toxicities in them are awful and there are no safety studies.”
Oberreuter said she worked in public health and they would give disclosure sheets to parents about vaccinations. But many parents left the sheets in the room or around the clinic.
“They don’t know the importance,” she said.
Doctors get minimal information in medical school, she said, except how to give vaccines and how to do combinations.
“They are being educated by the manufacturers who are making the vaccines,” she said.
Oberreuter said she is more of a holistic nurse, which isn’t the type of nurse the health care field wants right now. She said in 2011, the Institute of Medicine said vaccine studies have not been done to show whether they could make a decision for or against. Studies, they said, were inadequate.
There are incentives offered to providers if they reach a certain percentage of patients who are up to date on vaccinations.
“Their office staff has the incentive to vaccinate each and every person who comes in the door,” Oberreuter said. “Philosophically, in the old days when I was still drinking the Kool-Aid, you looked at any kid who got out the door without a vaccine that you thought they should’ve got and you felt guilty. And we will have nurses in the hospital who say they’re taking a baby for a weight check on a different scale, go and give a Hep B vaccine in the nursery and take the baby back to mom when the kid stops crying with no Band-Aid on just because she says nobody is going to get out of here on my watch without that so important Hep B vaccine.”