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In another twist during Thursday’s subcommittee hearing on House Study Bill 672, a bill centered around providing information to pregnant women, Planned Parenthood provided strong opposition.

The bill requires information to be provided about medication abortions. It also requires patients to be informed about the possibility of reversing the abortion after taking the first dose.

Jamie Burch Elliott, the lobbyist for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa and Planned Parenthood North Central States, called the bill “medically unethical.”

“Quite frankly, it inserts government into peoples’ personal medical conditions,” she said. “At Planned Parenthood, we ensure all of our patients receive accurate information about all of their options so that they can make their own fully informed decisions about their health, their family and their future. By suggesting there’s a way to reverse a medication abortion, our physicians would be undermining the informed consent program process which should instead stress to patients to be certain before proceeding to the first step of the medication process.”

She contended that medication abortions cannot be reversed and it is a false idea put forth by pro-life people.

“What is not safe is for those opposed to abortion to provide or push false or unproven claims about abortion not based on medical or scientific evidence,” she said. “Abortion reversal bills are dangerous mandates not supported by science or medicine.”


Author: Jacob Hall


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