On Thursday the Subcommittee met for House File 2004, the Rumble Strip bill, also known as Baylee’s Bill. This bill stemmed from the tragic loss of Baylee Hess at a rural intersection with US 30 in Benton County last Thanksgiving weekend. The bill calls for rumble strips at all of these county roads that intersect with US and state highways. Jade Ewoldt and Jasmine Gaston, sisters of Baylee, attended the subcommittee meeting and spoke about the need for this bill. The bill passed unanimously and now goes to the full Transportation Committee for consideration. Senator Tim Kapucian, Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, will also be starting a companion bill with the same language in the Senate to expedite the process. I greatly appreciated Jade and Jasmine’s determination in seeing this through in honor of their sister, Baylee.
REP. FISHER: Rumble Strip bill passes unanimously in subcommittee
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