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Hello from the Statehouse! We are wrapping up week 8 and have had some exciting legislation come through the House. We are just over the halfway point of the session and are working to get more legislation passed before the 100th day. This week in particular, we have had some very good bills come through and some that have been disappointing.

One of the largest pieces of legislation that came through the House this week was on public school funding. This bill was delayed over a month by the Republicans in Senate and provided another record low investment in our public schools. This rate voted on by the Senate was even lower than that which was recommended by the Governor. I supported a plan to invest $133 million in public schools and help reestablish Iowa as a national leader in education. The costs that are taken on by the schools will make teaching and learning much more difficult, putting a greater strain on the already hurting public schools of Iowa.

Author: Dave Jacoby


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