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We made it through funnel week.  Thanks to several experienced Committee Chairs, it didn’t seem quite as hectic as it has in the past. State Government will be my last meeting for the week and we will pass an Election Integrity Bill.

In Health & Human Services we passed a bill on Pharmacy dispensed contraceptives and I managed a bill that would create a Health Data Utility so that your health records will follow you from your primary care team to any Doctor in Iowa that you may be referred to for treatment and a bill to expand post-partum coverage for moms who are on Medicaid.

In my Commerce we passed the Utility Bill based on the LEI study we did over the interim, we ensured there was consumer protection for Home Buyers, we passed a bill to ensure additional diagnostic tests were available to breast cancer patients and we passed an Iowa One Call bill to ensure that our locate companies are locating lines for digging in a reasonable time frame.  Everything passed with bi-partisan support and that’s a big accomplishment!

In State Government, we worked on Eliminating 49 government boards and commissions that no longer meet and passed a Dieticition Licensure Compact agreement.

I was happy to hear that Governor Reynolds will be visiting with School officials in Farley today.  She is conducting a 99-county tour to talk education with our school districts.  I only wish that I could be there, but I am still in Des Moines working.  I spoke with Superintendent Dr. Dan Butler this morning and asked him to keep me posted on how the visit goes and to tell him that I am 100% supportive of our district and will work with them to ensure the best outcomes for our students.  He is appreciative.

Overall it was a very productive week, and I look forward to beginning floor debate next week, and to continue our committee work with Senate bills.

Thank you all very much for the opportunity to serve our district.  I appreciate hearing from you and look forward to your questions, concerns and comments.


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