At a press conference this morning, Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted she does not want Joe Biden to come out of hiding to defend his radical proposals — she’d rather have Biden stay in his basement to avoid talking about the Democratic Party’s out-of-touch agenda.
Pelosi’s revelation comes only one day after Theresa Greenfield refused to debate Sen. Ernst in rural Iowa. Greenfield’s excuse was that she was too “busy” to talk to rural Iowans, and now it appears she will be skipping the Greater Des Moines Partnership Forum. That’s because the truth is, Greenfield, like Biden, is unable to defend her far-left ideas that would be harmful to rural Iowa.
Greenfield has celebrated her endorsement from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), a radical environmentalist organization that embraces the Green New Deal which would cripple Iowa farms. Furthermore, she opposes the GOP tax cuts, which doubled the Child Tax Credit and provided tax relief for 82 percent of Americans. Repealing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would raise taxes on the middle class, using Iowans’ hard-earned money to pay for the Democrats’ socialist policies.
“Like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi wants Joe Biden and Theresa Greenfield to stay in their basements for one simple reason: Their agenda is completely out-of-touch with Iowa voters,” said Aaron Britt, Communications Director for the Republican Party of Iowa. “Greenfield’s refusal to publicly defend her radical environmental agenda, along with her plan to raise Iowans’ taxes, proves that she — like Biden — is nothing more than an empty vessel for the far-left. On the other hand, Sen. Ernst is committed to visiting all 99 counties every year, meeting them exactly where they are, being upfront and honest, and answering their tough questions.”