Jesus Christ has healed every single Christian of ALL their sickness, all of their diseases whether mental or physical. Why then are there sick or diseased people in the Church? Basically, it is because most of our Midwest churches don’t have enough understanding of God or faith in God to teach His full Truth. Don’t confuse faith and belief. Even the demons believe in God.
When we have the Spirit of God within us, what is it that we lack? Are the bad things in your life from God? Is He the giver of bad? Does He hurt us to teach us? Absolutely not. He has given us everything we need through Christ. We are co-heirs with Christ and God is our Father. He has healed us. He has given us a sound mind. He has supplied all of our needs.
Then why don’t we see it? Why don’t we feel it? It is simply because we don’t yet have the faith in God that we need to grab hold of these things. Without faith we cannot please God. Peter said to the lame man begging for money at the temple in Acts 3, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.” Peter did not pray for the man, he simply gave the man what he himself had been given. Peter was able to do this because he had both the Spirit of God within him and he had learned from Jesus to use the authority he had been given.
God gives us blessings so that we can give blessings. Jesus directed His disciples in Matthew 10:8 to: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” We are all Jesus’s disciples, Jesus’s power was not spent in its entirety on the twelve.
How do we have faith? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) We need to HEAR the Word anew. If you think you know the Word and yet do not know what I am talking about then you do not know the Word.
The following link is to a teaching that I cannot yet replicate in an article. Please listen, open your ears and let God’s Word change the trajectory of your life. Build your faith and call forth the power of God in this time to see God’s will be more fully manifest on the Earth as it is in Heaven.