We read that cyber experts have a mountain of data to sift through from the machines to decipher if there was voter fraud in our 2020 Presidential elections. Why? Why do our election machines have this much data? They are meant to tabulate votes. That is a very simple process. A machine as simple as a high school calculator could do that. Iowa has about 3,000,000 people, about 2,000,000 registered voters. Even if every single registered voter voted we would only have to hand count an average of 20,000 votes per county. That is doable.
What has been clearly stated from Michael Lindell’s Cyber Symposium is that the machines were insecure because they could be hacked and were connected to the internet. What has been clearly stated is that all the historical Bellweather voting data shows that Trump would have won. What was clearly stated was that there was an algorithm used to bump Biden over the top. After that there is evidence of voter fraud in many different states.
Last night I watched a video by Curtis Bowers. He stated that even if all of our military and all of our law enforcement decided to lockdown Americans, they would only have enough manpower to lockdown 6 cities. There are roughly 1,000,000 people in the military but 35,000,000 American hunters. I say that not to call for violence but for the American people to know that THIS is the reason our founding fathers secured our right to defend ourselves because we may have to.
The closer we get to the Truth the one thing we can be sure of is that there will be another move to put us into fear. That is why we have to put our trust in not ourselves and not in our government. Our trust should only be in the Lord. He is Love and perfect Love casts out fear.