SF2196 the Exemption Notification Bill will go to the Senate floor early next week. Please email your Senator, or the entire Senate, and urge them to pass this common sense bill that requires schools to properly disclose current Iowa law.
This bill inserts language into current exemption code requiring schools to inform parents about the entire Iowa law pertaining to exemptions (religious/medical) when discussing the required school vaccinations.
-Proper disclosure of the law will ensure parents are informed during the registration process and will have all of the facts of what paperwork they need for their child.
-This will also help ensure children will not have to miss school if parents know ahead of time what their options are and it will simplify the amount of paperwork/provisional exemptions nurses have to process.
-“No shots no school” is not only not true but it is misleading the public about Iowa law.
If you have a story regarding how your school handles exemption/school vaccination communication, please share it in your email.
Email: [email protected]
Or use the link to find your senator:
Iowa Legislature – Find Your Legislator
ICI Family Day at the Capitol:
Monday March 11 11:00-4:00
Childrens Health Defense Bus Tour:
Cedar Rapids: Wednesday, June 19
West Des Moines: Saturday, June 22