The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier printed an interesting letter to the editor. The letter is called “Don’t reward GOP legislators for their stupidity.”
It starts by referencing a shirt that says “stupidity kills, but not fast enough.”
“This sure seems appropriate for Iowa and a lot of other states, all led by a Republican administrations,” wrote Richard Burger of Cedar Falls. By the way, we’re not sure if the typo is the fault of Burger or the newspaper — but in a letter criticizing GOP lawmakers for their perceived stupidity, eliminating silly miscues like that should be a priority.
More concerning, is this letter to the editor some sort of sick death wish from Richard Burger when it comes to Republican legislators?
“What besides stupidity would lead Republicans in the Legislature and government to pass and sign a bill that makes it illegal for schools to make mask wearing mandated by the individual schools,” Burger wrote. “Stupid doesn’t mean unintelligent, but it is a denial of reality to the degree that it harms one’s survival.”
Burger’s own dictionary defines stupid as “worthless, cowardice and viciousness,” he wrote.
“So, please don’t reward stupidity by re-electing these people who passed this bill to our legislative and governor,” he closed.
I think he means legislature.
Nonetheless, if someone is so trusting of masks that they believe they work against COVID and will save lives, why not just put their mask on and enjoy all the supposed protection provided? Why require EVERYONE to wear one? If it works, just wear your own and worry about yourself.
Live and let live. Right?
Last year there were mask mandates. Did it stop the virus? No. Would a mask mandate today stop the virus? No.
Worse than stupidity is insanity. And doing the same thing while expecting a different result isn’t just stupid, it’s insane.