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Today, Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, released the committee assignments for Senate Republicans for the 89th General Assembly. Senator Mariannette Miller-Meeks, R-Ottumwa, was elected to US Congress to represent Iowa’s Second Congressional District and Senator Zach Nunn, R-Altoona, will remain on military duty through the 2021 legislative session.

“Senate Republicans have focused on pro-growth and pro-jobs legislation since we regained the majority in 2016,” said Whitver. “Those goals remain for another session and these committees will develop the policies to implement those goals. I’m very proud of our caucus and I am eager to work with them again this session.”


Senator Zumbach

Senator Sweeney

Senator Costello

Senator Driscoll

Senator Edler

Senator Green

Senator Rozenboom

Senator Shipley


Senator Kraayenbrink

Senator Lofgren

Senator Guth

Senator Rozenboom

Senator Cournoyer

Senator Costello

Senator Garrett

Senator Johnson

Senator Klimesh

Senator Reichman

Senator Williams

Senator Koelker

Senator Edler


Senator Schultz

Senator Koelker

Senator Brown

Senator Goodwin

Senator Johnson

Senator Chapman

Senator Sinclair

Senator Smith

Senator Whiting

Senator Klimesh

Senator Williams


Senator Sinclair

Senator Taylor

Senator Carlin

Senator Zaun

Senator Kraayenbrink

Senator Rozenboom

Senator Johnson

Senator Cournoyer

Senator Sweeney

Senator Goodwin


Senator Koelker

Senator Carlin

Senator Costello

Government Oversight

Senator Schultz

Senator Williams

Senator Lofgren

Human Resources

Senator Edler

Senator Costello

Senator Carlin

Senator Garrett

Senator Sweeney

Senator Johnson

Senator Green

Senator Lofgren


Senator Zaun

Senator Garrett

Senator Dawson

Senator Schultz

Senator Sinclair

Senator Whiting

Senator Johnson

Senator Shipley

Senator Taylor

Senator Reichman


Senator Whiting

Senator Green

Senator Brown

Senator Driscoll

Senator Guth

Senator Schultz

Senator Taylor

Local Government

Senator Shipley

Senator Klimesh

Senator Garrett

Senator Guth

Senator Lofgren

Senator Williams

Senator Driscoll

Natural Resources

Senator Sweeney

Senator Driscoll

Senator Cournoyer

Senator Rozenboom

Senator Shipley

Senator Zumbach

Senator Green

Senator Taylor


Senator Whitver

Senator Chapman

Senator Smith

Senator Zaun

Senator Sinclair

Senator Whiting

Senator Zumbach

State Government

Senator Smith

Senator Cournoyer

Senator Guth

Senator Johnson

Senator Schultz

Senator Whiting

Senator Goodwin

Senator Reichman

Senator Koelker

Senator Dawson


Senator Brown

Senator Shipley

Senator Driscoll

Senator Klimesh

Senator Koelker

Senator Zumbach

Senator Rozenboom

Senator Kraayenbrink

Veterans Affairs

Senator Carlin

Senator Reichman

Senator Dawson

Senator Edler

Senator Lofgren

Senator Costello

Senator Green

Ways and Means

Senator Dawson

Senator Goodwin

Senator Brown

Senator Carlin

Senator Schultz

Senator Sinclair

Senator Smith

Senator Sweeney

Senator Whiting

Senator Green

Senator Driscoll

Administrative Rules Review


Senator Brown

Senator Green

The following Appropriation Subcommittees are also assigned:

Administration and Regulation

Senator Guth

Senator Zumbach

Senator Goodwin

Ag & Natural Resources

Senator Rozenboom

Senator Shipley

Senator Williams


Senator Cournoyer

Senator Green

Senator Sweeney

Justice Systems

Senator Garrett

Senator Carlin

Senator Taylor

Economic Development

Senator Lofgren

Senator Koelker

Senator Reichman

Health & Human Services

Senator Costello

Senator Edler

Senator Klimesh

Transportation, Infrastructure and Capitals

Senator Johnson

Senator Whiting

Senator Driscoll

Bold denotes chair

Italics denotes vice chair


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