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U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) on Wednesday introduced the Preventing Armed Groups from Engaging in Radicalism (PAGER) Act to prevent Lebanon from funneling U.S. taxpayer dollars to the terrorist group, Hezbollah.

“We cannot, in good conscience, continue sending U.S. taxpayer dollars to Lebanon when they are complicit in empowering a terrorist organization whose primary mission is to destroy America and Israel. Hezbollah is propped up by the Iranian regime, and responsible for countless attacks against our ally Israel and responsible for killing hundreds of Americans during the horrific attacks on our Beirut Marine Barracks and our U.S. Embassy in 1983,” said Rep. Steube. “For two years I filed an amendment to the annual State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations bill to eliminate funding to the Lebanese Armed Forces, as the money goes to Hezbollah. Republicans and Democrats continue to vote it down. Every dollar funneled to Lebanon is another resource aiding Hezbollah’s operations, undermining regional stability, and threatening Israel’s security. My legislation ensures our foreign assistance aligns with American interests in the region and our foreign policies don’t indirectly harm our ally, Israel. No U.S. taxpayer dollars should ever get into the hands of Hezbollah.”

The legislation states no Federal funds are authorized to be appropriated to the Lebanese Armed Forces until the Secretary of State certifies to Congress that multiple safeguards are in place, including:

  • The Government of Lebanon, to include its Chamber of Deputies (Lebanese Parliament) no longer recognizes the legitimacy or permits its ministers or other cabinet-level officials of being from the following parties, or be aligned with Hezbollah; Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc (Hezbollah’s political wing); or Amal (a pro-Iran political and military group who targeted IDF soldiers)
  • Hezbollah no longer maintains any presence in Lebanon, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1559 which calls for the elimination of Hezbollah by the “disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias”
  • Lebanese Armed Forces ceases coordination and support with Hezbollah or any other Foreign Terror Organization.
  • Lebanese Armed Forces cease coordination and support with Iran
  • Any Iranian-supplied weapons are destroyed and disarmed
  • Lebanese courts dismiss all charges against Americans who have advocated against Hezbollah’s influence over Lebanon, including American journalists who have appeared on Israeli news media or invited Israeli guests on their media programs.

The legislation also withholds US support to the UN agency which provides “livelihood support” of bonuses and luxury goods to Lebanese Armed Forces generals, to the Lebanese military, and to internal security forces.

Lastly, the legislation requires a biannual report to Congress from Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and CIA Director on the status of Hezbollah and Iranian influence across the Lebanese government.

The legislation is supported by The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy and The Endowment for Middle East Truth.

“The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy applauds Congressman Greg Steube’s Preventing Armed Groups from Engaging in Radicalism (PAGER) Act. This is an excellent piece of legislation designed to help the Lebanese people rein in Hezbollah by placing conditions on US funding now going to the Lebanese Armed Forces,” said AMCD. Read AMCD’s full statement here.

“For years, the Lebanese Armed Forces have been eroded to a point where they are no longer a real army, but rather a rubber stamp for Hezbollah’s terrorist activities. This is especially true along Lebanon’s southern border with Israel, where Hezbollah has been acting with complete impunity since October 8th, firing missiles and UAVs directed at Israeli civilian communities. EMET applauds this important bill that will finally demonstrate that the United States can no longer serve to appropriate funding without any accountability or oversight,” said Sarah N. Stern, Founder and President, The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET).

The Republican Study Committee (RSC) supports the legislation.

Author: Press Release


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