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***Originally published July 22.***

***Update: The city of Sioux Center will use a policy it has in place where employees will clear the changing area prior to a person who identifies as the gender opposite their biological sex entering the changing area. Once all patrons are out of the changing area, the person who identifies as the gender opposite their biological sex will use the changing area. This will be done to ensure patrons are not exposed to anything they are uncomfortable with and to increase safety for all using the facility.***

Weeks after one Dutch community in Iowa allowed a middle teenaged biological female to use the Pella Aquatic Center topless and utilize the male facilities, another Dutch community had a biological male wear a female swimming suit and use the female changing room and facilities.

This time it happened at Siouxnami Waterpark in Sioux Center.

It has been confirmed this did indeed happen at the complex. The city is looking at an internal policy to address a portion of the issue, but also noted the 2007 law.

In Pella, city officials are claiming there is nothing — or not much — they can do due to the Iowa Civil Rights code including sexual orientation and gender identity. Democrats added the language in 2007.

Republicans have had the trifecta for five straight years and done nothing to address this. A bill was introduced in the House by Rep. Dean Fisher, but it was killed by the House Judiciary Committee.

You can read about the Pella situation as well as an upcoming situation in Jefferson below:

BREAKING: Pella Aquatic Center confirms it allowed teenaged biological female to walk around topless, use men’s facilities with boys of all ages due to ‘gender identity’

YOU’RE NEXT: Jefferson pool hosting ‘Gender Inclusive Pool Party’ Friday, Aug. 13


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