***We are republishing our most popular stories from 2020. We hope you enjoy this look back! If you appreciate what The Iowa Standard does, please consider becoming a monthly supporter. Even just $5/month will help sustain us well beyond 2021! You can sign up here to be a supporter, or find us on PayPal at [email protected] or Venmo at Iowa-Standard-2018. You can also send a check:
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Michael Bloomberg talked about the difference between the “intelligentsia” who made it into the room, and the vast bulk of people.
“I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the bathroom issue in the United States,” he said. “If you want to know is somebody a good salesman, give them the job of going to the Midwest, and picking a town, and selling to that town the concept that some man wearing a dress should be in a locker room with their daughter. If you can sell that, you can sell anything.”
Bloomberg explained how confusing the transgender issue is for Midwesterners.
“So many things that we are nuanced and the social issues that we’re very proud of achieving aren’t believed by the vast bulk of the people,” he said.
If you are someone who believes the media refuses to give a fair shake and just report the facts, then consider supporting The Iowa Standard.
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Sioux Center, IA 51250