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Seven Republican lawmakers introduced a bill that would provide Civil Rights protection for individuals based upon their political beliefs or immunization status.

House File 2141 is sponsored by State Rep. Eddie Andrews and cosponsored by House colleagues Representatives Rob Bacon, Cherielynn Westrich, Tom Gerhold, Norlin Mommsen, Brooke Boden and Jon Jacobsen.

The bill prohibits discrimination relating to employment, public accommodations, housing, education and credit practices based upon someone’s political beliefs or their immunization status.

The bill does allow for the imposition of qualifications by bond fide religious institutions based upon political beliefs or immunization status if related to a bond fide religious purpose.

Anyone who violates the proposed law would be guilty of a simple misdemeanor, which is punishable by confinement for no more than 30 day sand a fine of at least $105 but not more than $855.



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