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The following bills are in subcommittee on Wednesday, Feb. 14 in the Iowa House. For more information on a bill, click on the bill number. To find a livestream for each meeting or to leave comments on a bill, click here.


9 a.m. – SSB 3176 – RM 315 – A bill for an act relating to electric transmission lines and electric transmission owners, and including effective date and applicability provisions.

10 a.m. – SF 2273 – RM 217 – A bill for an act recognizing gold and silver coin as legal tender.

10 a.m. – SSB 3119 – Lobbyist Lounge – A bill for an act concerning the executive branch rulemaking process and other agency functions and related matters.

10 a.m. – SF 2268 – RM 315 – A bill for an act relating to assistance animals and service animals, including reasonable accommodations for housing and requirements for findings of disabilities.

10:30 a.m. – SF 2311 – Lobbyist Lounge – A bill for an act relating to audits of state entities by certified public accountants.

10:30 a.m. – SF 2229 – RM 217 –A bill for an act prohibiting political subdivisions from purchasing or acquiring certain fire fighting or fire-suppressing foam containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

12 p.m. – SSB 3174 – RM 217 – A bill for an act regulating the marketing of grain, by providing for fees paid by grain dealers and warehouse operators into the grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund, and the payment of claims to reimburse sellers and depositors for losses covered by the fund, and including effective date provisions.

12 p.m. – SSB 3172 – RM G15 – A bill for an act relating to boards, commissions, committees, councils, and other entities of state government, and including effective date and transition provisions.

1 p.m. – SF 2078 – RM 217 – A bill for an act relating to voter registration, including verification of voter citizenship.


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