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Raul Ortiz, who served as Border Patrol Chief under Biden, told “60 Minutes:”  “I’ve never had one conversation with the president. Or the vice president, for that matter. And so I was the chief of the border patrol. I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem.”

Biden’s first Border Patrol Chief, Rodney Scott, said in an interview: “I talked to these people face to face and there was not a single conversation allowed about what is best for Americans. All they ever talked about was how to get more people into the country faster. They didn’t want to talk about threats. They refused to acknowledge the terrorism risk. They refused to acknowledge the criminal risk. This is all very, very intentional.”

Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera told NBC News that Biden should not have reversed Trump’s border policies. “They were very effective for us, as Border Patrol agents, in securing the border.”

One unnamed Border Patrol agent told CNN “that he feels pressured to allow illegal border crossings or risk receiving a complaint and even losing his job.”

Author: Press Release


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