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Statement from Trump campaign:

“President Trump has continually said that unlike Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, he’s running to be President for ALL Americans, and if you’re running to unite the entire Country, you have to back it up with action like President Trump did today at the National Association of Black Journalists conference in Chicago.

Members of the media need to make a decision, and answer if their goal is to unite the Country or further divide us, because based on the unhinged and unprofessional commentary directed toward President Trump today by certain members of the media, many media elites clearly want to see us remain divided. This is unacceptable.

The Invasion happening on our Southern Border is leading to poverty, death, and destruction in communities of color all across our Country. Inflation and affordability of everything from groceries to rent costs is crushing Black and Hispanic voters at an even higher rate than many other groups. And the endless wars being pushed by career politicians like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden is leading to countless Black and Latino lives being needlessly lost.

President Trump remains defiant in the face of media bias and will continue working to make life better for all Americans regardless of how poorly he’s treated by supporters of Kamala Harris, and in fact President Trump hopes to win them over in the future with his vision of returning success to our Country. To be clear, Kamala Harris has no plan. Joe Biden has no plan. The Democrats have no plan. They just have a record of weakness and failure. But President Trump does have a plan, and it’s why he’s doing historically well with voters from the Black and Latino communities. President Trump alone can fix our economy, secure our border, clean up our streets, save our schools, and end the endless wars, and if you believe in these same goals, he welcomes your support in the election.

Today’s biased and rude treatment from certain hostile members of the media will backfire massively. You would think that the media would have learned something from their repeat episodes of fake outrage ever since President Trump first came down the escalator in 2015, but some just refuse to “get it.” This will be their undoing in 2024.”

-Lynne Patton, Senior Advisor


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