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Early Bird Pricing extended to September 14th! Purchase tickets here!

The unfortunate truth.

Many of us don’t make it here by chance; we’re here because something significant changed the trajectory of our family’s health. Vaccine injury is real, not rare, and when it happens to your family, you are often left to pick up the pieces by yourself. Most medical doctors just aren’t equipped to help you heal and you aren’t a trained professional, so where do you start?

Information is power.

Just because your doctor doesn’t have answers, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. You don’t have to be a passive bystander in your family’s health journey; and if you’re reading this, you’re already on the right track. But we know it’s overwhelming —

Where do I start? What should I look for? Who do I trust? 

Healing is possible.

This year, instead of just informing you about the dangers of vaccines, we want to help you answer the question “What now?” when a vaccine injury has occurred in your family or community. We’re bringing together a group of health professionals that are changing the game — and giving those of us affected by vaccines something priceless: hope.

Conference Speakers

Dr. Sarah Outlaw
Natural Health
Improvement Center
Topic: The Medical System is Failing our Kids

Dr. Kevin Miller
Truth Chiropractic
Topic: The Path of a Vaccine

Dr. Callie Williams
Be Well Pediatrics
Topic: Environmental and Cultural Impacts on Children’s Health

Bill Terrell
Iowa Acupuncture Clinic
Topic: Healing Naturally

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Peter McCullough
Fighting for medical freedom through scientific data and analysis.

Moms’ Panel: You’re Not Alone

For the first time, ICI will present a Moms’ Panel — real moms telling their stories of vaccine injuries and healing. Learn how they’ve managed the physical, social, and emotional aspects of their journey.

And know that you are not alone.


Early Bird Pricing extended to September 14th!


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