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Senator Steve Daines today re-introduced the “Balanced Budget Accountability Act,” which holds members of Congress accountable to balance the federal budget or not get paid. This legislation is the first bill Daines introduces each Congress and would help address the nation’s spiraling debt crisis.

“Under Biden’s administration the national debt soared and inflation hammered Montana families. As we enter a new Congress with a Republican majority in the Senate and get our economy back on track, it’s past time we bring fiscal sanity back to Washington. If Congress can’t do its job and pass a balanced budget, members shouldn’t get paid,” said Daines.

Read the bill HERE.

Daines first introduced the bill in 2013 when the national debt was $16.7 trillion. Today it has eclipsed $36 trillion.

If a balanced budget isn’t passed by April 15, then members of Congress will see their pay terminated.

Author: Press Release


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