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Attorney General Ken Paxton has secured a court order confirming the agreement he reached with the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) which will officially prevent the Biden Administration from auctioning off or otherwise disposing of any border wall materials before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.

In a hearing on December 27, Attorney General Paxton forced the Biden Administration to agree that they would stop all efforts to sell, auction, give away, or otherwise dispose of border wall materials. The hearing had been requested after recent reports suggested that segments of the border wall were being auctioned off for pennies on the dollar in potential violation of a previous court order Attorney General Paxton obtained requiring the Biden Administration to build the wall with statutorily obligated funds.

According to the new court order, the Biden Administration “shall not dispose of any border wall materials—including bollard wall panels, gates, or drainage materials—to non-federal government entities until February 1, 2025.”

“This is a major win for Texas, border security, and the mandate the American people gave President Trump in November,” said Attorney General Paxton. “If the Biden Administration violates the court order, I will immediately act to stop any further efforts to subvert our national interest. From day one, Biden worked to throw open our borders, endangering American lives, and now we have halted his last second desperate attempt to undermine President-elect Trump.”

To read the court order, click here.

Author: Press Release


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