Amid reports of a U.S.-brokered ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today delivered a floor speech regarding Israel’s rightful actions to defend itself. Learn more about Grassley’s work to support Israel HERE.
The Jewish people have faced many libels over their history, in their case for over a millennium.
Today, the Jewish State faces the dirty libel, can you believe it, of committing genocide, all while defending themselves from Hamas.
Remember, Hamas has pledged to destroy the Jewish people in their homeland.
Now that happens to be real genocide.
Israel’s accusers cite large civilian casualty numbers, traced to Hamas self-reporting.
Now as we know, Hamas has a history of inflating numbers, not distinguishing fighters from civilians and listing male soldiers as women or children.
A recent report by the Henry Jackson Society confirms that the widely cited Gaza casualty statistics suffer from all forms of [falsification].
Still, as we’d all agree, any civilian death in Gaza is a real tragedy.
While Israel goes out of its way to issue warnings to civilians, Hamas actually encourages civilians to ignore evacuation warnings, while embedding in schools and hospitals to use civilians as human shields.
Hamas officials are on record that they seek civilian causalities for propaganda effect.
The definition of genocide in the United States and also under international law focuses on the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group
A very recent Amnesty International report adopts a new definition just to tar Israel with that disgusting libel.
Amnesty International Israel was not involved in the report and, as you might expect, rejects its central claims.
So, I want my fellow Senators to know that I, too, reject this biased and misleading report.
I say shame on them.