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From America First Policy Institute:

The ongoing misuse and abuse of governmental powers and institutions to target political and ideological opponents undermines the core principles of America First policies. This process weaponizes and politicizes our fundamental institutions of democracy and erodes public confidence in the equal application of the law.

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) has developed a 10-point plan for a fair, transparent, and accountable government that operates with integrity and serves the public interest. By establishing robust oversight mechanisms and fostering a culture of impartiality, these recommendations would protect the principles of democracy and ensure governmental power is not misused for partisan gain. AFPI’s vision is a government that serves the people, upholds the rule of law, and commits to fair and impartial justice for all Americans.


We are committed to exposing incidents of government weaponization and the disparate application of the law across the federal and state governments, as they occur. By collaborating closely with federal and state partners, including attorneys general and other elected officials, we aim to effectively address instances of weaponization. Additionally, we are actively working with partners to develop model policies that hold public officials accountable for failing to uphold their office’s obligations. These initiatives are crucial to prevent the misuse of governmental power, ensure ethical governance, and protect the integrity of our public institutions. By maintaining a vigilant stance and fostering partnerships at the state level, we can mitigate abuses and reinforce a culture of accountability and transparency in government.

Point 2: ENSURE Agency leadership opposes GOVERNMENT weaponization

The current leadership has failed Americans, either through misusing power or turning a blind eye to it. To restore public faith in our institutions, our country needs to change the tone of our leadership and career federal staff, particularly among those who significantly influence our justice system. America needs an institutional commitment to equal application of our criminal laws—targeting crimes, not individuals.

point 3: new leadersHIP MUST BE dedicated to the rule of law

Incoming leaders should commit to upholding the rule of law and fulfill their duties with integrity and impartiality. Any administration must prioritize leaders with a deep commitment to ethical governance, transparency, and accountability, which is essential to prevent future abuses of power and foster a culture of trust and lawful conduct from the outset.

Point 4: Establish a presidential commission on government weaponization

Establish a presidential commission to investigate and shed light on government weaponization. This commission’s mandate should be to thoroughly examine instances where governmental power has been misused for partisan or personal gain, ensuring transparency and accountability. Findings should also identify necessary reforms to prevent future abuses and restore public confidence in our institutions.

Point 5: identify the extent of government weaponization

A government-wide review should be undertaken to uncover weaponization, establish remedies, and hold perpetrators accountable. Additionally, the Department of Justice should address the spread of progressive and destructive criminal justice policies, prioritizing federal funding for state and local prosecutor offices that effectively fulfill their public safety responsibilities, and limiting funding to those who fail to do so.


There must be greater accountability for prosecutors, and they must be held to higher standards than they are today to restore public faith in the Department of Justice. To achieve this, the agency’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) should be empowered and equipped with increased staffing, funding, and investigative authority to directly investigate and address allegations of internal misconduct, including the ability to compel testimony concerning internal investigations and to access vital documents. By enhancing transparency OPR can thoroughly investigate and address misconduct, corruption, and policy violations.


Establish senior review teams within every FBI field office. These teams would conduct in-depth reviews of current and past investigations to identify instances of weaponization or political bias. Comprised of senior FBI officials and external experts, the teams would examine investigative processes, decision-making, and outcomes to ensure no FBI resources have been misused for partisan purposes or personal agendas. The objective is to uproot any evidence of improper conduct and restore the FBI’s reputation as an impartial and fair agency committed to justice and the rule of law.


Separation of powers and proper oversight is a responsibility shared by each branch of government, and the legislative branch has the primary responsibility for lawmaking and oversight. Many oversight ideas were introduced in the 118th Congress, with AFPI leading or supporting several provisions. These ideas focus on legislative solutions for stopping executive overreach, ensuring jurisdictional fairness in Article III courts, codifying the rule of lenity, and ending political lawfare by far-left prosecutors. Tactically, these efforts include rules determined at the outset of each new Congress in a rules package drafted by the majority party or legislation. AFPI is engaged in the following legislative proposals:


  • Defund executive overreach
  • H.R. 2581, The Accountability for Lawless Violence in our Neighborhoods Act
  • H.R. 2582, The No Federal Funds for Political Prosecutions Act
  • H.R. 5267, The Withholding Investments from Lawless Litigators in States Act, and providing specific legal flexibility to presidents and vice presidents related to their own civil and criminal cases
  • H.R. 2553: The No More Political Prosecutions Act, which provides former and current presidents and vice presidents the option to move civil or criminal cases in which they are named from a state court to a federal court

Point 9: IDENTIFY, DEVELOP, AND PROMOTE state-based solutions

States have a crucial role to play in combating the weaponization of government. AFPI works with state attorneys general and other key government officials to encourage litigation and amicus briefs that challenge government overreach and abuse of power. By fostering state collaboration, we can create a united front against government weaponization. Additionally, we promote internal state reviews to identify and eliminate weaponization within state agencies. Through these state-based solutions, AFPI is building a robust defense against the misuse of governmental power, ensuring federal and state institutions uphold the principles of fairness, accountability, and justice.


Point 10: Move the federal workforce closer to the people

The federal workforce should be decentralized. Concentrated power and influence breed corruption; redistributing parts of federal agencies and departments across the Nation brings the government closer to the American people it serves and creates a more balanced, representative federal workforce that would serve the entire country with greater integrity and accountability.

Author: Press Release


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