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From the RNC:

Who let Crooked Joe Biden call into MSDNC this morning? It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

Even in an interview with the friendliest crew possible, Crooked Joe still brought his signature incoherence, fits of rage, and rambling nonsense.

Here’s what you missed:

  • Crooked Joe was clearly reading from a pre-written script.
  • Crooked Joe doubled down on his flailing candidacy: “I’m not going anywhere!”
  • Crooked Joe angrily denied he has been tested for “age-related illnesses”: “It drives me NUTS people talking about this!”
  • Crooked Joe declared he’s “not bad” at his job — as three-quarters of Americans say he lacks the cognitive abilities to do the job.
  • Crooked Joe started SCREAMING into the phone: “CHALLENGE ME!”
  • Crooked Joe repeated the debunked “suckers and losers” hoax — and absurdly claimed he was WITH President Trump when it allegedly unfolded.
  • Crooked Joe claimed voters aren’t “going to move away from me” — despite holding the lowest approval rating of any president in modern U.S. history (and still dropping).
  • Crooked Joe threatened the Morning Joe hosts: “How can you assure … fate’s not gonna intervene on your way to go to work tomorrow?”
  • Crooked Joe rambled incoherently — again and again and again.

Only in the addled, broken mind of Crooked Joe is his defiance helping his case — as a steady drip of top Democrats call for a change at the top of their ticket.

Don’t listen to the haters, Crooked Joe!

And please keep doing these interviews.

Author: Press Release


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