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With the battle over federal government spending bills heating up, American Principles Project (APP) sent a letter today to House and Senate Republicans outlining the top priorities of the pro-family movement.

The letter urged Republicans to “do everything within your power” to ensure the following provisions were included in the final legislation:

  • Banning federal funding for DEI and CRT programs
  • Defunding “gender transition” and “sex change” procedures
  • Getting the government out of the abortion business by defunding DOD abortion travel and VA abortions
  • Removing special funding for the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Latino, which is set to promote a woke-washed version of history, teaching young Americans to hate their country
  • Blocking funding for “drag queen” performances for military children
  • Preventing the armed services from marketing “drag queen” ambassadors

The letter’s author, APP policy director Jon Schweppe, also added:

“Let me be clear: it can never become an inevitability that taxpayers fund abortion, sex changes, and racial discrimination. That would be an unacceptable outcome that the American people will not stand for. A loss in the present negotiations would be a disappointment. But giving up on the fight would be unforgivable.”

You can read the full letter here.

Author: Press Release


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