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Those of us who are old remember practicing typing skills by repeatedly tapping out the following phrase: “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.”

Well, now IS the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their party.

What the Democrats in Congress are doing is quite literally treason and a blatant attempt to take over our government.

Nancy Pelosi created a never-before heard of “impeachment inquiry” completely in her own. According to the accepted rules of impeachment, the House of Representatives must first hold a full vote to open an impeachment inquiry. By refusing to allow a full vote, Pelosi is denying President Trump is constitutional right to due process. She is denying him the right to have his lawyers participate in all impeachment hearings, and to subpoena witnesses and documents in his defense.

Adam Schiff should not even be involved in the impeachment inquiry because by accepted rules the investigating is done by the House Judiciary Committee. Jerry Nadler proved how ineffective he was in that role with the Mueller fiasco so Pelosi gave Schiff the job.

Now Schiff is holding secret hearings in a special room that is protected against all forms of electronic surveillance WITHOUT ANY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE MEMBERS ALLOWED TO ATTEND.

The Democrats are stealing our government and any chance of our having fair elections in the future. What they are doing is evil, and they must be stopped immediately.

Listen closely: This is the moment our Founding Fathers warned us against. Our government has gotten out of control and is in the process of being taken over by a hostile group that will stop at nothing to destroy our Republic. They must be stopped immediately and at all costs. The American people MUST rise up and march on our nation’s capitol and take back control.

Inaction is not an option. Waiting to see how this all plays out is not an option. Physically removing the Democratic traitors from Washington is our only option.

Make no mistake. If we do not follow the directions so explicitly laid out by our Founding Fathers we are going to once again become subjects. It is time for us to remove this dire threat to our Republic even if it means millions of Americans converging on Washington, D.C. armed and ready to defend our Republic our lives.

There can be no clearer message to Nancy Pelosi and her evil comrades than millions of heavily armed Americans coming after them ready to show them who really is boss.

Now is the time. If we wait, we will surely lose.

  • Ray Baltes


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