President Joe Biden delivered remarks in San Francisco, CA last week and wasted little time lambasting Americans who are critical of COVID-19 shots. Biden, who said he is disturbed how the federal government has paid less and less attention to investments in science and technology over the last 30 years, said he doesn’t know how America can be the “safest, most secure and healthiest nation in the world” without significant investment in science and technology.
He continued that what leaders say matters, especially in terms of people’s confidence in things “they’re not sure about.”
“And one of those areas — you saw what happened with regard to the crisis — health crisis that we had that cost us — we lost well over a million people,” Biden said. “And as time began to move on, you had more and more voices saying, ‘No, no, no. You don’t need to get that shot. You don’t need to be — get — you don’t need to.’
“And we have a new strain of COVID now, and we have answers for it. But I just would urge those in public life and both political parties or no political party to be cautious about the ac- — the sometimes inflammatory things you say about this, because people’s lives are at stake.”