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The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its preliminary annual benchmark report for nonfarm payrolls, showing a decline of 818,000, the most substantial revision since 2009 and equal to about 30% of the job growth for the 12-month period ending in March 2024.

E.J. Antoni, research fellow and public finance economist at the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation, issued the following statement reacting to this abnormally large decrease in the jobs numbers.

“For month after month, this administration has released overly optimistic jobs figures, which are later revised down. The labor market is nowhere near as strong as is being portrayed. Today’s negative benchmark is the second largest in history after 2009, when the labor market was bottoming out in the Great Recession.  

“It’s important to remember that this benchmark is on top of the existing downward revisions to the monthly jobs reports. Comparing the initial estimates to the latest data shows that nonfarm payrolls were grossly overestimated by almost 1.2 million for a 12-month. That’s more than a third of the alleged job growth during that time.   

“Something is clearly wrong at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, given how consistently the number of jobs has been overestimated. The Bureau owes Congress and the American people an explanation as to how their statistical models have been so wildly off the mark and why they have done nothing to correct them.”  

Author: Press Release


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