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Rio Grande City Border Patrol Station (RGC) agents apprehended 736 migrants in three large groups in La Grulla, Texas.

Friday morning, RGC agents working in La Grulla, Texas, observed a large group of migrants make landfall in the United States. The group totaled 235 migrants consisting of 187 family members, 27 unaccompanied children, and 21 single adult migrants. More than half of the migrants are citizens of Guatemala. The remainder of the migrants are citizens of Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

The next morning, RGC agents working near La Grulla, Texas, encountered a large group of migrants walking north on a ranch road after illegally entering the United States. The group of 298 migrants included 60 unaccompanied children. This has been the largest group of migrants encountered by RGV agents this fiscal year. Within this group, a subject exhibiting COVID-19 related symptoms was transported to the hospital. At the hospital, the migrant tested positive for COVID-19.

Sunday afternoon, RGC agents encountered another large group of migrants walking north on the same ranch road as the day prior. Of the 203 migrants, 127 are citizens of Honduras. The group consisted of 158 family members, 29 unaccompanied children, and 16 single adults.

Border Patrol processed the subjects accordingly.

Even with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, human smugglers continue to try these brazen attempts with zero regard for the lives they endanger nor to the health of the citizens of our great nation.  The U.S. Border Patrol agents of the Rio Grande Valley Sector will continue to safeguard the nation and community against these criminal elements.

Author: Press Release


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