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U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) sent a letter to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Patrick Lechleitner requesting information on the agency’s failure to name Alan Jacob Mogollon-Anaya on the ICE “Most Wanted” list.

In 2017, Mogollon-Anaya, a Mexican national, was charged with vehicular homicide by intoxication, three counts of aggravated child abuse and neglect, aggravated assault, driving under the influence, driving left of center, and violation of probation following a crash that resulted in the death of a Washington County, Tennessee, resident. Mogollon-Anaya was placed on the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office Most Wanted fugitives list in 2019, but since the office was replaced in 2021 there has been no record of maintaining the Most Wanted fugitive list.

The Biden Administration’s Destructive Policies Shield Illegal Aliens from Arrest and Deportation

“In yet another example of the Biden administration’s failure to rein in its destructive policies shielding illegal aliens from arrest and deportation, ICE has not publicly listed Mr. Mogollon-Anaya on its Most Wanted list, despite no major developments in his case since his addition to the VOICE Most Wanted fugitives list in 2019. These changes were implemented without a press release or public notice justifying the downgrade of Mr. Mogollon-Anaya from ‘Most Wanted’ status. Failure to maintain the notoriety of these fugitives is both irresponsible and dangerous, as it removes momentum from the pursuit of justice in Mr. Mogollon-Anaya’s case and removes barriers to ensuring these heinous acts are not committed again in the future.”

Click here to view a copy of the full letter.

Author: Press Release


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