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U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Presidio Station apprehended 98 illegal aliens. The illegal aliens are citizens from El Salvador, Honduras and Belize.

Patrol Agent in Charge of the Presidio Station Derek Boyle said, “Transnational criminal organizations continue to use large groups to saturate and distract our agents.  While these groups affect our ability to provide effective border security, it is through our community partnerships that we have been extremely successful in apprehending human trafficking and narcotics smuggling loads.  I am proud of Presidio Station and Big Bend Sector agents, as well as the efforts and collaboration from our state, local and international partners.”

On Thursday, at approximately 6:30 a.m. the Presidio Station was informed of a large group of individuals attempting make illegal entry into the U.S. within the city limits of Presidio, Texas.  Presidio agents responded to the last known location of the group and safely arrested 98 individuals without incident.  The group was mostly made up of family units and unaccompanied alien children.

All 98 subjects will be charged and processed according to the applicable immigration laws. Big Bend Sector has already apprehended over 800 illegal aliens in the month of May. 

Author: Press Release


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