Brigham Young University-Hawaii has refused to grant a medical exemption to an incoming freshman student despite her condition that makes receiving a COVID injection likely to paralyze her again.
BYU–Hawaii announced last month it will require all students to receive the COVID-19 shot in order to attend for the fall semester, despite the VAERS data that shows 463,456 adverse events, including 10,991 deaths, as of July 9, 2021.
Assistant to the president Laura Tevaga stated that students who are not vaccinated will not be allowed to attend BYU–Hawaii. According to school policy, students with religious or medical reasoning can apply for an immunization exemption and will have their case and circumstances reviewed to see if they qualify for an exception. Yet university officials have not mandated the “vaccine” for employees.
However, BYU school officials have refused to grant a medical exemption to incoming freshman Olivia Sandor despite her having a condition that makes receiving a COVID vaccine potentially dangerous. In 2019, Olivia Sandor was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome, an auto-immune disease caused by vaccines and resulted in her being paralyzed from the waist down. At the time, Sandor was a full-time dancer. As a result of her faith in God and prayer, she was healed. Sandor wrote, “As I laid in my hospital bed, I asked my parents to join me in prayer. That day I put all of my faith and trust into the Lord. Because of Him, I was healed. I was able to fully recover, something rarely seen in my kind of situation.”
It has long been Sandor’s dream to attend BYU-Hawaii and she worked hard during high school. In March 2021, she was accepted. She even gave up $200,000 in scholarships just to attend. Then on June 16, the school announced they would be mandating the COVID shot for all students attending in the fall. Sandor’s doctors provided the school with an exemption letter specifying her condition and the dangerous implications she might face if she were to receive the injection.
The university told Sandor that it could not grant her an exemption, but recommended she attend another of the BYU campuses that have not mandated the “vaccine” yet. Sandor and her family then spoke to the school president.
“He told us that he would re-review my case with the medical panel and get back to me as fast as they could,” she said.
A few days later, her request was denied again. In fact, the president responded that “she should not get the J&J shot but the Pfizer or Moderna would be ok.”
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “It is shocking that a school would not give a medical exemption to a student who has been diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. It is even more shocking when considering that the CDC admitted that the Johnson & Johnson COVID shot may result in Guillain Barre Syndrome. Forcing any person to receive one of these COVID injections is a violation of federal law. The COVID injections are not licensed by the FDA and are still in the investigation and experimental phase. Even if they were licensed by the FDA, employers and schools must respect people’s personal and medical decision to not inject a drug into their body. No school, employer or government may force or coerce anyone to take these injections, and certainly not when doing so violates medical conditions or sincerely held religious beliefs.”