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First Congressional District

On Wednesday, Iowa Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01) released the following statement after concerning reports of Chinese Communist Party funding of trips for Muscatine Community School District students: “The Chinese Communist Party’s well-known efforts to infiltrate the U.S. are a massive national...
Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (R-IA-02) released the following statement after the House passed the Equal Representation Act. This bill requires the decennial census to include a citizenship question, and excludes noncitizens from the population on which the apportionment of U.S. House...
Conservative Republican David Pautsch collected another legislative endorsement in his bid to beat liberal Republican Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks in this June's primary election. State Rep. Luana Stoltenberg offered her endorsement to Pautsch's campaign. Stoltenberg said Pautsch has integrity, is an...
Conservative Republican David Pautsch received a legislative endorsement on Monday in his bid to defeat liberal Republican incumbent, Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks. State Representative Brad Sherman said he has known Pautsch for 35 years and Pautsch's commitment to conservative principles "has...
At the recent convention of Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, David received a standing ovation after delivering his remarks. (That’s never happened before!). And it happened again last Saturday at the Iowa State Republican Convention in Des Moines. David’s 7 minute speech had standing ovations...
By Ben Johnson The Washington Stand Members of Congress chanted “Ukraine!” and waved a sea of rippling, blue-and-gold flags across the House floor, as the House of Representatives approved a massive $95 billion foreign aid package that benefits Ukraine, Taiwan, and...
Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is set to offer his assistance to liberal Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks as she faces a GOP primary challenge. Johnson will be joining Miller-Meeks on Sunday, April 28 in Iowa City for a fundraiser....
The Conservative Climate Caucus announced Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (IA-01) as the new Chair. Founder and former Chair John Curtis (UT-03), who served in the position from the Caucus founding in June 2021, has transitioned to an advisory role...
Iowa is one of the rare states with an entire U.S. House delegation consisting of Republicans. Yet the delegation contains zero conservatives, according to the 2023 CPAC ratings. Congressperson Randy Feenstra scored a 72 percent for his voting record in...
Earlier this month we told you about Congressperson Randy Feenstra's decision to invite an out-of-state resident, nonconstituent who happened to be a donor to his campaign to the State of the Union Address. It was the second straight year that...